
Week 9 assignment 3

Summarize each assessment battery tool
DIBELS, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, is a kind of short tests that evaluate the early literacy skills of children from kindergarten to Grade 6. It focuses on assessing five big ideas of early literacy, including phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency with text, vocabulary and comprehension. This test allows educators to screen students who may need further assistance in literacy development (benchmarking testing) and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions (progress monitoring). 
For alphabetic principle in DIEBLS, for example, children are required to pronounce the letters on the given materials, either to retrieve the pronunciation of an unknown printed string or to spell words. The time is taken for one minute to evaluate how many letter-sound correspondence can be identified by students. 
For assessment of accuracy and fluency with text, children are given usually three sets of reading materials. They are required to read the materials within one minute. The total number of words, and the number of errors during reading are noted. And then the number of words correct can be calculated by the difference between the two. The middle score of the three readings is taken as the assessment results.
The comprehension can be assessed by asking children to retell the story they just read and counting the number of words in their retelling and the number of main ideas that are retold in the story. 
QRI5, qualitative reading inventory 5is an informal reading inventory. It aims to offer information about situations in which learners may identify words and understand text successfully and about situation in which unsuccessful word identification and understanding are resulted. It can be used to evaluate the reading levels of students and group them accordingly. It may also use to evaluate the progress of learners. 
QRI5 assesses the reading ability and listening ability of students from pre-primer 1 to high school levels. Two major types of passages are available to evaluate reading ability. Level-Diagnostic Passages are usually used to evaluate reading level and identify places where further instructions are needed. Inference-Diagnostic Passages are usually used to assess the ability to response to inference questions that are in accordance with CCSS. 
The reading results are typically categorized into three levels: independent, instructional, and frustration levels. These results are used to offer supports for further intervention programs based on the strengths and weaknesses allocated. The administration and scoring include word lists, passages, oral reading, comprehension, and strategic reading. 
Describe the similarities and differences of both assessments
Both assessments aim to evaluate the literacy skills of students during their learning process. 
Both assessments take the pronunciation, accuracy and fluency, and comprehension into consideration. 
Both assessments can be used to evaluate the reading levels of students and group them accordingly and to evaluate the progress of learners. 
Both assessments can identify the strengths and weaknesses of students in literacy, serving as guidance for intervention strategies. 
DIEBLS assess students from kindergarten to Grade 6 while QRI 5 assess students from pre-primer 1 to high school levels.
DIBELS have five Big Ideas: including phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency with text, vocabulary and comprehension while QRI 5 mainly deals with words and passage fluency and accuracy. 
DIBELS is a short assessment that is achieved within 1 minute while QRI5 is relatively longer without time limit
DIBELS is formal while QRI5 is informal. 
DIBELS makes use of comparative data via standardized assessments while QRI 5 does not. 
How they can be used (in the classrooms or as a standardized tool) for instructional planning and decisions
Both assessments are effective and useful in evaluating the literacy level of students in classrooms. The results of both assessments can be applied for instructional planning and decisions.
DIBELS can be used prior to the starting of the class so that students’ literacy levels can be screened, which then guides planning and decisions on reading materials used. Exams may be designed as DIBELS generates comparative data. The scores can be used to group students in the class and for corresponding instructional planning and decisions. QRI5 can be used at the starting of the semester and throughout the entire semester. The assessment in the beginning guides educators to design lessons that are suitable for the grade levels of students. The assessment during the teaching process helps teachers change their teaching levels of difficulty accordingly.


Week 8 Assignment 3

Your name: Jiaye Yao
Grade Level: 5th grade
Title of the lesson: “The Phantom Tollbooth”
Length of the lesson: 45 min  

Central focus and central technology of the lesson (The central focus should align with the CCSS/content/ISTE standards)
1.     Understanding the text
2.     Identify main ideas of the text
Key questions:
      What do you want your students to learn?
1.     Learn how to read complex text
2.     Learn how to quote from a text to explain its main ideas
      What are the important understandings, core concepts, and skills you want students to develop within the learning segment?
Skills to develop: using textual evidence to support their own ideas; flexible communication and collaboration

Knowledge and skills of students to inform teaching (prior knowledge/prerequisite skills and personal/cultural/community assets)

Key questions:
      What do students know, what can they do, what are they learning to do?
1.     Asking students to share what they have already known about the text.
Common Core State Standards/Content Standards/ISTE Standards (List the number and text of the standard. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part[s].)

Speaking and Listening: Flexible Communication and Collaboration
Supporting and Idea with textual evidence
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
Support literacy (traditional literacy, domain specific literacy, or new literacy) development through language (academic language)
“The Phantom Tollbooth” by Norton Juster
Learning objectives
1.     Understanding the text
2.     Identify main ideas of the text
Formal and informal assessment (including type[s] of assessment and what is being assessed)
1.     Test their understanding of the text by retelling
2.     Test their ability to quote by re-writing
Instructional procedure
1.     Class discussion about what they have already known about “The Phantom Tollbooth”
2.     In-class reading
3.     Asking students to retell the main idea of the text
4.     Asking students to write on Google Doc about their opinions and share with each other
Instructional resources and materials used to engage students in learning.
      Did your instruction support learning for the whole class and the students who need great support or challenge?
Almost. More assistance may be given to students in struggling.
      What changes would you make to support better student learning of the central focus?
Increase the group discussions to make sure everyone is on the track.
      Why do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support your explanation from evidence of research and/or theory.
The group discussions allow students who have difficulties in reading and comprehension opportunities to learn in a group (http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/coopcollab/index_sub3.html)


Week 7 Assignment 5

For this assessment, I chose a little girl, named Sophia, aged four years old. The results and the suggested learning activities to reinforce the development in these four areas are as follows:

Print awareness

She was not able to recognize the front in the beginning. However, when I reminded her what is the front cover of the book, she was able to identify the back cover. She was able to identify letters in the book. However, she was not able to identify words and identify where I shall begin reading and the first word of a sentence, punctuation marks.
To reinforce her development in print awareness, her parents and teachers shall read books with easy-to-read large print and teach her how books are organized (from left to right, top to bottom). In addition, words and punctuations should be gradually explained and showed to her.

Phonemic awareness
She was not able to identify words and therefore had limited (nearly no) phonemic awareness.
To improve her development of phonemic awareness, teachers shall start from teaching words to her and gradually train her phonemic awareness by asking her to read new words using her phonemic awareness.  

She was able to identify some simple phonics of letters but not all of them in the book.
To reinforce her phonics, teachers can teach her by starting with simple and less confused letter sounds, such as t. After showing her some examples how the letter and the sounds are connected, the child can be asked to pronounce on her own with letters in words. After several practices, the teachers may proceed to more complex letter sounds, such as ch, sh, wh.

She was at frustrational level in fluency because even with my help she was nearly unable to read due to her limits in identifying words. She was not able to read 60 words correctly per minutes.
To reinforce her fluency, the approach of student-adult reading can be taken in which her parent or teacher read the text for her first, serving as a model of fluent reading. Then she reads the same text with assistance from parent or teacher. If necessary, re-reading can be asked over several sessions or days as reinforcement.

It could help the child practice with phonics.
It could help the child improve read fluency.

It could help the child improve read fluency. 
