
Week 5

For the concept questions, Mary earns 25% score, which belongs to UNFAM category. Her total accuracy is at instructional level while her total acceptability is at independent level. Her rate is 46 RPM and WCPM is 44. Her oral reading prosody scale is 3. In addition, she is at frustration level based on the number of correct explicit and implicit questions.

This assessment shows that Mary is good at letters and sounds. She is able to pronounce most of the words correctly. She is able to comprehend the passage with minimum meaning-changing miscues. However, she is weak at reading in larger, meaningful phrase groups, which needs further improvement. She is frustrated with implicit and explicit questions, showing that she needs more training on comprehension and memorizing. 


Week 4 Assignment 2

I am sorry for the late post because I accidently posted it in another course blog.



Week 4 Assignment 1

RTI is a very useful and common intervention approach in schools. There are three levels in RTI. In Tier 1, all students are required to participate using evidence-based core curriculum. It is instructed by general education teachers. This level will meet the needs of 80 to 85 percent of all students. Tier 2 is built upon Tier 1 using strategi, evidence-based instruction. This level aims to help students who do not response to Tier 1 intervention (about 15%). This level of intervention serves as a supplementary to Tier 1 intervention and an extended learning opportunities. Students need to attend both levels of intervention. If students still do not response sufficiently, Tier 3 intervention is added using intensive, evidence-based intervention. It is conducted by specialist or special education teachers. About 5 percent of all students require this level of intervention. From the school level, RTI is very successful as teachers and children both like it. From the curriculum and the instruction level, RTI is deemed as effective. 

Week 3 Assignment 3

·        What is QRI5?

The Qualitative Reading Inventory-5 (QRI5) is an informal reading inventory that is designed to provide information about the conditions under which students can identify words and comprehend text successfully and about the conditions that appear to result in unsuccessful word identification or comprehension.

·        What is the purpose of using QRI5?

ORI5 can be used to identify students’ reading levels and measure implicit and explicit questions. The reading levels include both expository and narrative passages at every level, concept questions for prior knowledge assessment and word lists. The implicit and explicit questions emphasizes specific questions regarding word identification, fluency and comprehension.

·        Have you seen similar assessment activities like QRI5? What are they?

Diagnostic Assessments of Reading is a similar assessment activity that offers evaluation of students’ awareness of print, phonological, word recognition, word analysis.

·        What is your impression of QRI5?

QRI5 is a comprehensive assessment activity that can be used for various grade levels. It can help evaluate various abilities in readings, ranging from word recognition, passage understanding, abilities of retelling, questioning. It can be a very effective assessment tool for educators. 

Week 3 Assignment 2

After reading P21 Common Core Tool Kit, the assessments are needed to measure the learning outcomes of
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Life and career skills, such as self-direction, flexibility, adaptability, productivity and responsibility.
  • Global awareness
  • Literacy in finance, civic, health, and environment

Summative and formative assessments may be combined to evaluate the learning results. Summative assessments offer insights on students’ performance at end of a course. Formative assessment can tell instructors the learning outcomes along the process.

If students are at various reading levels, one strategy is to group them based on their reading levels. Students with lower reading levels can be grouped together for discussion during class so that they will not feel embarrassed and nervous when they cannot catch up reading speed with students with higher reading levels. Another strategy is to offer reading texts of various difficult levels. 


EDLI636 Week 2 Assignment 3: The Basics of Teaching Reading and Writing

Print awareness: Reading can be learnt in daily personal life, such as during grocery shopping. Exposure to print and books is great for start for children to learn reading. This is a stage for becoming aware of print. Children tend to pretend to read while they play. Reading can be a pleasure for children.
Speech sounds: infants are interested in sounds that they have not heard before. This interest can be measured through sucking patterns, looking time, head turn. Babies can differentiate different sounds, such as b and d. Talking to infants not only build close emotion relationship but also prepare them to become comprehensive readers.
Phonemes awareness: reading aloud may be the best way to put a child become a good reader. To assure a better start, word games can build phonemic awareness.
Alphabetic Principle: a good reading program moves through letter-sound connections in a sensible order. Links between letters and sounds can be reinforced.
Fluency: it is the ability to read aloud without hesitation or false start. Decode and decode quickly with comprehension are important.
Semantic Gradients: a vocabulary strategy that asks children to think about what thye know about words. This can be done through letting children to differentiate words with minor differences in meaning on table. This helps children to build their vocabulary.
Spelling Pattern: exploring words’ features rather than simple memorizing word spelling can be more helpful for children.
Jigsaw: this cooperative learning strategy can help children enhance their reading comprehension. Children work in both home group and expert group for studying and sharing.

Assessing Reading Skills: High IQ is not associated with reading success. Ongoing assessment should be used by all teachers. They need to understand how to diagnose difficulties continuously. 

Self Introduction

Hi, I am Jiaye. You may call me Joyee. I come from China. I am an alumni of NYIT with my bachelor degree in Psychology. In my free time, I enjoy playing piano, sining, handwriting, cooking and traveling. When I was a college student in China, I have been a part-time piano teacher in Music school for two years. And I like to travel, I want to travel around the world. :)