
Week 3 Assignment 2

After reading P21 Common Core Tool Kit, the assessments are needed to measure the learning outcomes of
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Life and career skills, such as self-direction, flexibility, adaptability, productivity and responsibility.
  • Global awareness
  • Literacy in finance, civic, health, and environment

Summative and formative assessments may be combined to evaluate the learning results. Summative assessments offer insights on students’ performance at end of a course. Formative assessment can tell instructors the learning outcomes along the process.

If students are at various reading levels, one strategy is to group them based on their reading levels. Students with lower reading levels can be grouped together for discussion during class so that they will not feel embarrassed and nervous when they cannot catch up reading speed with students with higher reading levels. Another strategy is to offer reading texts of various difficult levels. 

